We provide funding for

sustainable development projects

How to submit a project

Whether you are a potential client or a professional introducer, regardless of the nature of your project, following this very simple procedure you will obtain a very quick response from BeyondTech. In addition, we strongly suggest that you submit your project by e-mail.

Step 1:
The client/introducer sends an e-mail to BeyondTech that includes the "Core Elements" of the transaction:
a) a Loan Application letter, detailing nature and cost of the project, as well the Amount of funding required;
b) an Executive Summary (Max. 7 pages) and description of the project;
c) a KYC (Know Your Client) Form, that contains detailed identification of the client;
d) a complete Disbursement Schedule.
We will normally require about 3 business days to analyze the information received. If we do wish to go on with the transaction, we will ask for a complete Business Plan, together with any additional information needed.On the other hand, if we do not wish to go forward with the project, we will immediately let the client know about our decision.

Step 2:
BeyondTech reviews the Business Plan/ documentation received and gets back in touch with the client within the next 5 to 7 business days.
Further to the review of the documentation, BeyondTech will decide whether or not we wish to continue with the project.

Step 3:
If we approve the transaction, we will arrange a vrtual meeting with the client – the goal of the meeting will be to discuss the parameters of BeyondTech’s intervention in any given transaction, and discuss the details of the project.

Step 4:
If the meeting is succesful, a Formal Proposal is issued to the client, normally within 3 to 5 business days after the meeting.

Step 5:
If the Due Diligence comes out "Positive," the transaction is finalized, normally within 90-120 business days.